
21.03.2007., srijeda

Sjebo sam se malo.krivo sam reko ima pun kurac odlicnih bm bendova.Dokazo sam si neki dan .Nego nisam ono trebo napisat prijašnji post...No uglavnom nema nista lose slusat i treš i blek zasto biti ogranicen.Uglavnom neko je komentiro kako je bathory na prva 2-3 albuma extremno loš :D hehe pa ne bih se složio iskreno za mene su prva 3 svetinja ne znaš što je loše ima dosta utjecaja venoma al ipak 1984...a i dobro si reko ovi poslje albumi hammerheart pogotovo ...remek djela.No dobro ...heh no bas jucer sam sluso Darkthrone malo eh vrate ti taj bm ugođaj ...i treš i old school blek to je odlicno i tocka.Hail the Hordes see you in Valhalla...
- 08:08 - Komentari (29) - Isprintaj - #

08.02.2007., četvrtak


Lol skoro pa sam zaboravio kak se pišu postovi kolko več nisam:D no evo
lJUDI natrag sam evo me ne slušam više blek...jer sam shvatio da je večina blek bendova sranje jedino još Bathory stari i Mayhem i još neke (no bathory mi je još uvijek najjdraži bend uvijek če i bit-)Slušam treš:Destruction,Exodus,Slayer,Sodom,Tankard i tako još neke Kreator ,,,onda hrvastki treš metal bend iz splita iz 1982 Evil Blood...pre jebeni su i tako ma treš rula ljudi
Venom i sve to je pre jebeno....šta još da kažem a ništa uskoro cu pocet intenzivnije pisat postove...(valjda nisam krivo napiso ovo int.. :D) ajde lljudi Slava!Thrash till death!Slava Quorthonu ! - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Click to enlarge
- 22:09 - Komentari (13) - Isprintaj - #

04.12.2006., ponedjeljak

I walk this endless night,His eyes the only light

Evo ljudi da se javim.Poceli smo napokon 2 frenda i ja naravno.old school mjesavinu starog Bathorya ,Celtic Frosta(Morbid Tales album tak nes...) i Darkthronea.Na prvoj probi je bilo odlicno napravilo smo onak 2 pjesme polovne...treba ih dovrsit jos...jedna sporija podsjeca na Call from the grave od Bathorya a druga brža poput Darkthronea.Ja na gitari ,Matija-bas-Domagoj-bubnjevi .i evo tako....skola uskoro gotova a proc cu to polugodiste s 4 možda boli me...ono sam želim svirat i slušat muziku ,čitat knjige...a evo ljudi to je to kod mene ...ovo vrijeme me izlulđuje jedva čekam snijeg, eee tad ce bit zakon .Ajd ljudi Slava vam_!! i I Za kraj da dak spomeni i slavu Quorthonu :

Bathory:Call From The Grave

God of Heaven, Hear my cries of anguish
I'm in pain
I've suffered a thousand deaths but I live on in vain

Death would greet with eternal sleep
My soul would come to peace
My life had ceased
The time was comed
Can no-one hear my pleas

Lowered down in the moisty ground
Into the dark and cold
My heart's beat the only sound
Pain tears my limbs and soul

I scream for mercy
Hear my cries
Oh, Lord don't abandon me
I'm so tired
Grant me the eternal sleep

I tear at the lid I'm suffering
In a cold and nameless grave
If Hell is what awaits me
I feel no fright

Buried and forgotten
In a cold and nameless grave
If there's a God in heaven
Hear my call from the grave..... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

- 19:53 - Komentari (25) - Isprintaj - #

12.11.2006., nedjelja

Moj Grob

Ivan Goran Kovačić

U planini mrkoj nek mi bude hum,
Nad njim urlik vuka,crnih grana šum,

Ljeti vječan vihor,zimi visok snijeg,
Muku moje rake nedostupan bijeg.

Visoko nek stoji,ko oblak i tron,
Da ne dopre do njeg niskog tornja zvon,

Da ne dopre do njeg pokajnički glas,
Strah obraćenika,molitve za spas.

Neka šikne travom,uz trnovit grm,
Besput da je do njeg,neprobojan,strm.

Nitko da ne dođe,do prijatelj drag,
I kada se vrati,nek poravna trag.

Više ne strahujem.
Ja sam kao zemlja koja me rodila,
Vječan kao zemlja koja me pokrila.

- 20:41 - Komentari (26) - Isprintaj - #

05.11.2006., nedjelja


Evo o ovom bendu nemam bas puno reći.U zadnje vrijeme sam ga slusao dosta i prilicno je dobar.Ovako Trollech je bend iz Češke osnovan 2000 godine.Osnovali su ga 3 člana: Asura G.Godwar Ray - vocals, bass ,
Lord Morbivod - vocals, guitars, drum programming,Honza Butcher - drums.Sviraju pagan black metal,premda oni svoj stil nazivaju Forest Black Metal.Tema liriksa su:šume,čarobnjaci,priroda,trollovi,dvorci i sve vezano uz prirodu.


Dech Pohanskych Vetru-Demo, 2000
Ve Hvozdech -Full-length, 2001
Synove Lesu -Full-length, 2002
Tvare Stromu -EP, 2003
V Rachotu Hromu -Full-length, 2003
Tumultus/Saros- Split, 2005
Skryti v Mlze -Full-length, 2006
Svatoboj -Live album, 2006 - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

- 00:28 - Komentari (18) - Isprintaj - #

09.10.2006., ponedjeljak

Vrijeme je...

Alo ljudi evo mislim da je vrijeme da napisem novi post.U zadnje vrijeme bas ni nemam vremena ono gitara...škola i tako probe ^^.Hehe da 2 frenda i ja smo bili na probu u subotu.I prvo smo se zajebavali pa smo presli na poso.Jedini je problem sta smo frend i ja htijeli svirat neki pagan blek tipa Graveland no bubnjar to nihe htio on zeli nes brze smo se odlucili na treš blek s pagan lyricsima tipa Wolf's Hunger pre pre dobar bend iz Srbije kojeg mi je naravno dao Ozren a ko ce drugi :D.I evo sad ce uskoro proba opet pa da vidimo kak ce nam ic...Evo nisam bil na Satyriconu...kazu da sam premlad ne pustaju pa to je tuzno...kakve veze muzika ima s godinama...ono svi kazu da sam premlad i da nesmijem ic jer bi mi se nes moglo dogodit,,,ma strava...sad cekam neki drugi bend da dode..e da usput svim gitaristim i ostalim naravno neki odi pogledat ovaj link Ludo dijete ee svira lik ko lud...a pogle ima 13 god mozda mislim sad ima 22 ma prebolesno.Evo to je sve za ovaj put uskoro cu napisat biografiju prebolesnih bendova koje u zadnje vrijeme slusam:Adhur,Windir,Wyrd...ajde ljudi cujemo se slava!
- 16:04 - Komentari (16) - Isprintaj - #

19.09.2006., utorak

ForeverDark Woods

Oi slava ljudi! Evo da nesto napisem...bas neki dan onako slusam si Lord Wind kojeg mi je dao http Antic carr lik ! i sad uz tako dobru muziku bas onaj pagan pre pre dobro nije ni cudno kad je to projekt Roba Darkena znaci pre dobro i tu muziku zamisljam kako trcim planinama i ulazim u šumu gdje priroda oživljava...zove me ...gledam ples vukova u noćne sate uživam u veseloj muzici vilenjaka...sjedim oko vatre koja govori i nikad ne prestaje gorjeti ...njezin plamen grije cijelu šumu...i zamišljam si kako bi to bilo prelijepo daleko od svijeta u skladu s prirodom bez tehnologije ...i svega...bez svakodašnjega stresa ...samo priroda i ja...a onda otvorim oči i sve to nestane...da li se zapitate da li vi možete stvorit za sebe idealan svijet ...možete samo zatvorite oči ... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
- 11:05 - Komentari (23) - Isprintaj - #

04.09.2006., ponedjeljak

Old school Black Metal

Slava ljudi!!! A evo skola pocinje.Danas.Ma dobra je to stvar,istina ima cudnih svaki dan ipak preživimo hehe.Ma ok nauk je važan ljudi filozofija,,,uf ma da vam o tom ne pricam prelijepa stvar je nauk.Ali ok.PUstimo mi nauk nego evo bas jucer razmisljam o tome Old school pojmu...Pa vidite zanimljivo je to u Black Metalu što se uvijek poštuje takozvani Old School.Znaci da bend nemora ni bit kvalitetan ako je old school...jer ce ga se postovat...a ok to je s neke strane i dobra stvar-poštujemo naše prece i cijenimo njihov rad i zahvalni smo im na tom radu jer evo sto nam je danas Bm...a s druge strane dosta ljudi živi u prošlosti...npr.Ja gledam samo Old school i novi me bendovi ne zanimaju baš to je loša stvar al sta je kod vecine blekera tako bar mislim...old school hehe ...Bathory npr. nije ni znao sto je to black metal kad su ga poceli svirat...venom govori da su oni jedini bm bend...da li old school postuje imalo kako da nazovem...bendove koji su pretvorili bm u žešći mističniji i takve stvari?Ma...sta da vam kazem Bm je evo So Pure... Evil, Cold
Transilvanian Hunger!!! Hehe a evo ljudi jos jedno moje misljenje...glupo il dobro procijenite sami to je na vama Ajd slava svima!!! - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
- 07:43 - Komentari (21) - Isprintaj - #

23.08.2006., srijeda

Judas Iscariot

Evo bilo je vrijeme da se i primim posla evo prvo cu vam predstaviti jedan od rijetkih kvalitetnih americkih bm-bendova:evo uživajte!

Judas Iscariot je formiran kao one man black metal projekt godine 1992.Osnivač je bio Akhenaten,sin suca iz Dekalba u državi Illinois.1993. izdao je svoj prvi demo koji je bio sličan stilu bendova ranog Darkthronea i ranoga Gorgorotha.1995 izdan je debitantski album "The Cold Earth Slept Below" koji je pušten pod tvrtkom '' Moribund Records''.Nekoliko izdanja izašlo je u idućih nekoliko godina,ali on je imao vremena sudjelovati u nekim projektima imenima Sarcophagus i Seeds Of Hate. Album "Thy Dying Light" je trebao biti pušten pod izdađavačkom kućom ''Head Not Found'',ali njihov materinja izdađavačka kuća ''Voices Of Wonder'' je bila šokirana s extremno suprotnim okruženjem benda i zato su odbili objaviti album(kuća -a ne bend ).Ubrzo se Akhenaten seli u Njemačku i izdaje album "Of Great Eternity" u NLrnbergu u Ožujku 1997.
1999. potpisao je ugovor sa Američkom izdađavačkom kućom '' American label Red Stream''.U Kolovozu 2002. projekt je prekinut ali Akhenaten još uvijek živi u Njemačkoj.
Formiran pod imenom Heidegger.
Akhenaten trenutačno prebiva u Njemačkoj.
U Augustu 2002. Akhenaten je objavio da je gotov s Judas Iscariotom.

Demo: Heidegger(1992)
Demo: Demo (1993)
Album:The Cold Earth Slept Below (1995)
EP: Arise, My Lord (1996)
Album:Thy Dying Light (1996)
Album:Of Great Eternity (1997)
Album:Distant in Solitary Night (1998)
Split: Judas Iscariot / Weltmacht (1999)
Album:Heaven in Flames (1999)
Split: None Shall Escape The Wrath (2000)
EP: Dethroned, Conquered and Forgotten (2000)
Live LP: Under the Black Sun (2000)
Split: To the Coming Age of Intolerance (2001)
EP: March of the Apocalypse (2002)
Album:To Embrace the Corpses Bleeding (2002)
EP: Moonlight Butchery (2002)
Komplacija: Midnight Frost (To Rest With Eternity) (2003) - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

- 14:10 - Komentari (11) - Isprintaj - #

19.08.2006., subota

Back from the battle !!!!!!!!!

OI!!!!!!! SLAVA LJUDI!!! Evo odlucih malo uredit i nastavit pisat blog nakon duge stanke...a evo ljudi sta da vam kazem nabavil sam prejebene bendove poput Satanic Warmaster,Kataxu...i tako od Trrna.Slava care!Evo ak skupim neke pare mozda idem na Satyricon ipak to se nesmije propustit.Evo zasad evo to je post koji najavljuje moj povratak...evo ljudi Slava vam i stay grim ^^! Hail the hordes,see you in Valhalla!!!

- 16:28 - Komentari (14) - Isprintaj - #

25.07.2006., utorak

Black Metal In My Heart

Evo ljudi da se javim idem na more sad evo za 30 min...ah ne zelim al bar cu neke pare dobit pa idem...a evo ljudi ostanite mi zivi zdravi i sretni sve vas pozdravljam SLAVA SVIMA!!! AND REMEMBER BLACK METAL FIRE BURINING IN OUR HEARTS!!!! BLACK METAL IST KRIEG!!!! SLAVA SVIMA!!!
- 18:08 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

12.07.2006., srijeda

Human destiny,but nothing human inside...

Poz ljudi evo javjam se ...evo da napisem sto se dogodilo proklih dana...ovako.Naso sam se s jednim frendom Valentinom i sad dode on u moj kvart i ja i frendovi ga zajebavamo kak u nasem kvartu ce ga neko natuc ak gleda u mjesec,ak govori rijec zivot,ak skine papir sa stupa,ak pogleda neku curu ma ono zajebancija:onda smo izmislili neka 2 nepostojeca lika koje smo nazvali Ligma i Aristotis :D, i sad ja ga nazovem sljedeci dan i pocnem mu pricat kak ga ligma i aristotis traze i da dolaze do njega s još 20 skinjara i idu ga nasorat :D zato kaj je on ko zasoro od tog ligme mlađeg buraza :D sve izmišljeno on se usro i uspaničio...i sad odem mu na blog (posjetite) i vidim lik pao u depru....jer je zabrijo kak ga nitko ne cijeni da ga svi zajebavaju i šoraju...što je nažalost bi on trebo bit tolko osjetljiv al opet nije on kriv...nije ni bahat ni niš a mi smo se sam zajebavali a jebiga nismo trebali al bilo nam je fucking boring a mogli smo ens drugo radit ne zajebavat njega...ah sad mater mu sta smo glupi....i sad frend mi u kurcu... a ono pozvo sam ga sutra da idemo van mi castimo cugom i nek mu alkohol malo pomogne :P pa ono zato vidite naslov posta je jako vezan uz ovaj post ...malo mi je bed kaj smo ga zajebavali...a i kaj ga drugi zajebavaju...stari ak ovo citas slusaj UZMI NOZ I SVE IH IZBODI I MENE USPUT AK TE ZAJEBAVAM UBI IH !!! I MENE !!! gle nemoj dat da te tak ljudi zajebavaju ...imas marte poboga martom po nozi pa nek si misli....još slušaš blek metal pa di bolje jebote...trebo bi ti nih tuč ne oni tebe ....evo post je vezan uz frenda ak mislite da je ovo neka igra klinaca i da se opterečujemo gluposti nek si zabi nož u čmar! jer idu mi zakvu ljudi na živce ! evo sad sam pak živčan a da tipical for me prvo ono malo u bedu pa živčan :) I ima jos jedan problem..taj frend Valentin on brije da on se ne ponaša ko metalac...i da zato odustaje od metala il sta je vec reko pa jebemu sta metalci imaju neko posebno ponašanje metalci su ljudi ko i svaki drugi ćovjek na ovoj FUCKING ZEMLJI! Zato tin ostani metalac i zajebi te neku čr00 fore i te gluposti ook ajd ljudi to bi bilo to živjeli mi vi SLAVA! TIN STAY IN METAL!!!! SLAVA!!!!!!!!! - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
- 00:30 - Komentari (25) - Isprintaj - #

28.06.2006., srijeda


Djela su bogova ispunjena providnošću.I djela slijepe sudbine,međutim,pokazuje djelovanje Zakona prirode ili djelovanje zakonitosti,proisteklih iz povezanosti i spleta učinjenih stvari,što su providnosti.Sve odatle proistječe,ali uz to se vezuje i nužnost i korisnost kao svrsishodnost cijelog svemira kojeg si jedan dijelić.

While we may believe
our world - our reality
to be that is - is but one
manifestation of the essence

Još se nije pronašao čovjek koji bi bio nesretan zbog onog što se događa u duši drugog.Oni,pak,koji razborom ne slijede što se zbiva u njihovoj vlastitoj duši,moraju biti nesretni.

Why did I come to this world
of sorrow why is this true
Where is my dagger of sacrifice

Valja uvijek pamtiti što je priroda svijeta i što je moja vlastita priroda,i odnos u kojem je ova prema njoj,i kakvim je ova dijelom koje cijeline,i to da nitko nema snage spriječiti te da u svakom trenutku ne činiš i ne govoriš što je u skladu s prirodom od koje si postao.

Mother north - your fields are bleeding

Kako sve brzo prolazi;u svijetu sama tijela i sjećanje na njih u vječnosti.Takve su sve stvari koje pripadaju osjetilima,a prije svega ono što privlači ugodnošču ili nas plaši strahom od boli,ili ono što je zbog svoje prividne veličine svima na usnama.Kako je sve to maleno i nevažno i jadno i neznatno i smrtno-naša sposobnost mišljenja sve to mora jasno pojmiti .I uistinu,tko su i što su ti koji govore i iznose mišljenje o slavi?Što je to smrt? Kad se sama razmotri podrobnije i raščlani razumom,odjeljujući samu smrt od naše predodžbe o njoj. Sama smrt ne samo da je djelo prirode več je i djelo korisno za prirodu.

I am a mortal, but am I human?
How beautiful life is now when my time has come
A human destiny, but nothing human inside
What will be left of me when I'm dead?
There was nothing when I lived

- 10:40 - Komentari (14) - Isprintaj - #

16.06.2006., petak

Mala nocna muzika...

Oi Slava!Evo nakon sta sam vidio komentarre na svoju napisanu pjesmu...koji su jako dobri hvala svima :) odlucio sam napisat jos jednu.Inspiriro me hrvatski bm bend ne znam tocno kak se zove mislim da je Stribog uglavnom neki pagan blek ono predobri su ...sazno sam sa njih jer su pozvali moju sestricnu da pjeva za njih bolesno...Uglavnom evo pocujte pjesmu...Ajd cujemo se SLAVA!!

Battle Nature

Dying in battles that human mind made,
Fighting for nature that pagan gods crate,
Searching for fire,searching for ice,searching for nature that we lost behind.

Human mind so evil he burining our land,
The land of nature that gods crate,,,
And the rivver is crying lot of the tears,
1 tree is bleeding-waiting for revenge, against the human rage...

Now take the swords!! Go to the North,
Save our forest,
Save the land that we bleed for....

Give us sine,
Son hall up high,
In the nature that u left behind!
Give us power,
Give us rage,
Return to the middle age!!!!!

Now take the swords!! Go to the North,
Save our forest,
Save the land that we bleed for....

- 22:06 - Komentari (21) - Isprintaj - #

03.06.2006., subota

Oj ljudi!!!Pozz svima slava vam!! Evo me vratil sam se...jep a da objasnim zast me nije bilo tak evo komp mi se sjebo 2 tjedna nisam mogo ic na net al danas je jedan lik sve popravio Bog ga blagoslovio.Evo za to sam vrijeme nabavil dosta bendova preko 60...i odlicni su.A sta da jos kazem a da dobil sam jebenu igri World Of Warcraft a još sam veliki ljubitel Rpgeova pa sam sretan aaa to konacno internet...Evo onda jos sam napiso 4 pjesme sad cu ih probat uglazbit hehe 1 man bend :), evo vam jedan tekst koji sam napiso bez smijanja molim,ipak kad trinaestogodišnjak piše tekstove još black metal mora bit grozno :D ajd pa ocijenite:Btw pjesma se zove Wisdom Of Forest a bend:Angband

Wisdom of forest

Walking throught the forest,so pure so cold,
Saw the face of a stranger with axe in his hand,
Where is he going only the forest knows...

Moon is coverd by black mantle of night,
The dead start walking where do they go?
Only the forest knows.

The pagan witch is near she gonna do some spell over a land of the dammd,
What spell is it?
Only the forest knows.

The wisdom we lost in the deep forest that it's old,
Soo old and cold as eternal night.
Dead knight is coming for souls we both,
How much did we really payd?
Only the forest knoowwssss!!!!!!!!

Lol sad sam procito koji kratak tekst lol :D ajd bar sam vas nasmijo hehe ajd ljudi živjeli mi vi Slava!!!

- 17:02 - Komentari (20) - Isprintaj - #

16.05.2006., utorak

Biografija...od koga ?pa NARGAROTHA!!!!!!!!!!

Status: Aktivan
Država: Njemačka
Aktivni od: 1989-
Rod: Black ili Crni Metal
Stil: Sirow
Službeni Site: Nepoznat

Nargaroth je počeo 1989 bez imena. Bili su u vrlo prvim početcima ništa nego aktivnost u slobodnom vremenu tinejđera. Kanwulf je probao svirati staru raštimanu bass gitaru i vrištao je svoje tekstove da izrazi sebe u tim zbunjujućim trenutcima za mladog čovjeka. Nikada nije tražio nove glazbenike jer je njegov izbor bio da stoji-sam. Taj je izbor potrajao 'do danas! NARGAROTH je još uvijek solo projekt!!
Kanwulf je snimio instrumentalni demo ''ORKE(Orka=Kit?) (ogr. na 150 kopija). Nažalost nije imao opremu da snimi vokale.
Kasnije je Kanwulf našao za vrijeme svog zbunjujućeg razdoblja u svojoj zbunjenoj glavi ime NARGAROTH. Od tog dana pa na dalje to je njegov identitet. Kanwulf je u Listopadu '93 u svojoj kuhinji (zato ima K. –za probe u knjižici od Herdstleyd CD-a) snimio demo ''Herbstleyd''. Bio je ograničen na 200 kopija, i bilo je nekoliko kopija ostalo ali ih Kanwulf kao prava faca nije htio dati drugim ljudima jer ih nisu vrijedni.Jer nikada nije na sceni opet našao dečke koji bi za njega vrijedili dovoljno da posjeduju tu vrpcu!!
Kasnije se jedini prijatelj u Kanwulfovom' životu ubio užetom. To i stanje na BM sceni je bio šok za njega pa je Kanwulf pao u izolaciju. Kasnije je dečko iz BEZ BOJA došao u kontakt sa Kanwulfom i svidio mu se Nargaroth-stil. I nakon mnogo moljenja sa njegove strane Kanwulf je odlučio da 1998 ponovo snimi ''Herbstleyd''. ''Amarok'' CD je pušten sa starim i nepuštenim stvarima. I nije baš bilo potrebno da ga se objavi.
Onda je Kanwulf napravio novu demo vrpcu nazvanu ''Odjebi današnji Black (Crni) Metalu'' (aha!) ogr. na 333 (opa?333+333=? hihi) kopija vrpce i 100 kopija na ploči. Objavljena je u kolovozu 2000 i rasprodana. Razlog za rađenje kaseti pokraj njegovog CD ugovora sa Bez Boja je, da Kanwulf ne voli CD i stvari previše. Da sebe bolje izrazi treba zvuk reh. kaseta. LP verzija sadrži bonus Izlaz i u svakoj pojedinoj kopiji je dio orginalne vrpce iz pjesme ''A BM (CM) pjesma, samo za BM (CM) manijake'' koje su bile na svakoj demo vrpci sa neparnim brojem (1, 3, 5...299, 301, 333).
U Studenom/Prosincu 2000 Kanwulf je snimio novi album ‘’Crni Metal Je Krieg(Rat) – Posvećeni Spomenik’’
U ovom trenutku Kanwulf priprema svoj dio Splita LP sa germanskom hordom MjesečevaKrv na SOMBRE REC:..Zove se ‘’Rasluka (? - ne razumijem Norveški) – Dio 1’’. To je prvi od 3 dijela.
Dakle, uskoro će biti DLP-Književno izdanje, koje je ograničeno na 99 ujedinjenja kao ploča i 666 ujedinjenja na Vrpci samo. Kanwulf odlučuje tko će ih dobiti. To za sigurno ništa posebno. U prošlosti mnogo bendova odlučivalo je da će dati svoja izdanja samo nekolicini ljudi koje znaju. Ali to su sve bili Demoi bez velikih troškova, napravljeni od skoro nepopularnih bendova. Ali ovo izdavanje košta mnogo studijskih troškova i to je službeno izdanje od NARGAROTHA. U toj kutiji je majica, ogr. na 99 također, numerirana i nešto privatnih stvari. Privatne stvari su drukčije u svakoj kutiji. Ovisi o osobi koja će kutiju dobiti. (hihihihihi) Kanwulf mora sve to raditi da zadovolji demone u svojoj glavi. Svaka osoba koja hoće tu kutiju mora učiniti neku posebnu radnju koju će mu Kanwulf odrediti. (hihihihi) Kanwulf hoće da ljudi nešto naprave za ta izdanja. Ne samo da ih kupe!
AJd ljudi živjeli !!! SLAVA !!! BLACK METAL IST FUCKING KRIEGGGG!!!!!!!!!! - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
Vidi nacista na bijelom poniju muahhahaha !!

- 14:39 - Komentari (24) - Isprintaj - #

09.05.2006., utorak

Tolkien stvoritelj Arde

Evo ljudi javljam se opet...Neču ni o jednom bendu jer vidim da vas ne zanima baš namcor .A evo uhvatio sam se teme o Tolkienu...oni koji ne znaju pisac trilogije gospodar prstenova.Evo nakon što sam po 2. put pročito njegovu knjigu Silmarillion htio bih da pročitate jedan meni odličan dio...evo uživajte slava!Pozorno čitajte riječi napisane u pjesmi.

...Tako je došlo do slavnog sukoba Saurona i Felagunda.Jer je Felagund se natjecao sa Sauronom u pjesmama moći,a kraljeva je moć bila vrlo velika;no prevladao je Sauro,kako kazujr Spjev o Leithianu:

On zapjeva pjesmu o čaroliji,
O prodoru,otvoru,o izdaji
Al umah mu Felagund odgovori
Pa zapjeva pjesmu o potpori,
Odupiranju,protiv sila boju,
Čuvanju tajni,poput kula soju,
Neslomljivoj vjeri,slobodi,spasenju,
O mijenjanju lika,novom otkrivenju,
Osujećenoj osveti,bijegu iz stupice,
O pucanju lanca,otvaranju tamnice.
Naprijed i nazad pjesma se valjala,
Sve više,sve dublje,uzdizala,ponirala.
Napjev je jačao,Felagund bojovao
Čaroliju svaku i moći dozivao
Iz Vilin-zemlje u riječi svoje.
Kroz noć tiho ptice gdjeno poje.

U Nargothrondu čuli su dalekom,
I uzdahe Mora za velikom rijekom,
Za zapadnim svijetom,gdjeno se pjeni
Na pijesku od biserja u Vilin-zemlji.
Tad mrak sve prekri i tmica se ovi
Nad Valinorom;krv se crvena proli
Kraj Mora,gdje ono Noldori Umoriše
Jahače na pjeni i kradom odvukoše
Brodovlje bijelo i bijela im jedra
Iz blistavih luka.Jauci vjetra
I vučji urlici.Gavrana bijeg.
Nad zaljevom morskim škripavi snijeg.
U Angbandu sužnji nabrajaju jade
Gromovi tutnje,ognjevi kade-
A s prijestolja Finrod na zemlju pade. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
- 22:46 - Komentari (13) - Isprintaj - #

05.05.2006., petak

A evo da neš napišem...

Evo ljudi u zadnje vrijeme idem po tuđim blogovima i ustanovio sam da je svaki drugi blog o tokio hotelu...Šta se desilo ovom svijetu da nitko ne zna prepoznat kvalitetu muzike(premda ja mislim da oni svi slušaju taj hotel zato kaj su se zaljubile u onog pjevača).Sve te cure si neš zabrijavaju da če one bit s njim nek se suoče s činjenicom da on vjerovatno ima curu a i još je iz Njemačke"!!!!!A najviše me živcira to što neki kvalitetni bendovi moraju godinama svirat da se bar malo čuje za njih,a ovaj tokio hotel su se nakon prvog albuma probili pa zašto!!!!!!Evo ljudi želio bi da sam prepoznate kvalitetu vi kaj slušate hotel ne govorim da se sada mora slušat metal al ima drugih odličnih stilova...klasika,rock...Evo to je bilo jedno moje mišljenje ajd ljudi uživajte !!!! - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
- 10:51 - Komentari (23) - Isprintaj - #

02.05.2006., utorak

Nordisches Blut

Nordisches Blut je pagan BM bend iz njemačke u kojem svira Von List... inače Nordisches Blut je one-man band... Von List svira i u one-man Raw BM bendu Vargsang iako se tamo predstavlja kao vargsang.... nabavio sam si Nordisches Blut i još neke pagan BM bendove i ovaj mi je najbolji.ima samo jedan album i jedan - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service
moje mišljenje : Our Banners Will Rise je jedan od najboljih pagan albuma koje sam čuo iako slušam malo pagan bandova.... Von List a.k.a. Vargsang ima pre jeben dar u stvaranju pre dobre mjuze i ako izda nove albume u bendu Nordisches Blut definitivno ču ih nabavit
- 13:24 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

26.04.2006., srijeda

Varg Vikernes

Evo kao što svaki bleker zna za gospodina Varga Vikernesa dao bih vam jedan zanimljiv intervju koji sam iskopo na netu.Evo ljudi uživajte !!PART I: PRISON

When You tried to escape from the prison in October 2003, there were quite a lot of publications in Norwegian newspapers about it. According to the statement of Your lawyer John Christian Elden in "Aftenposten" You "had no concrete plan except that You wanted to get away from Norway" and "wanted to go somewhere where You could live without being treated as a leper because of Your past. That is why You considered the French Foreign Legion". Though nobody has heard a word from You. So if possible can You tell people what was Your real motivation to escape the prison and what were You planning to do?

You should never trust anything reported by the media. Their first priority is to spread propaganda, their second priority is to make money. They never really care if they tell the truth or not. As for my real motivations we'll see about that later.

How do You feel now in prison? If possible describe Your ordinary day: what are You allowed to do and what not? Are You much threatened by the other prisoners and the wardens?

No, I am not threatened by anybody. The prison system in Norway is fairly civilized, by world standards, and so are the prisoners and the guards. I get along well with just about everybody.

Recently, I got to have a computer in my cell and will study computer programming the coming year. Apart from that not much is happening. In my block we sit 23 hours a day in a one-man cell and spend one hour in the yard. We have a TV in the cell and once a week we can go to the library. That's all there is to say really. If I want to do anything I have to do it on my own in my cell, or during the one hour we get each day in the yard. I take some push-ups, lift some bottles filled with water and things like that to stay in shape, and I run in the yard.

Question by Ann from France: Please tell something about Your family. How are Your wife and Your daughter doing? Are they keeping well? Do You often see them?

My father is an electronics engineer working as the security manager in a firm, my brother is a graduate civil engineer and is working in the administration of some security firm, my mother has some annoying complex education (so I don't bother listing it here) and she is working in a large oil company. My daughter is still in elementary school… I don't see my daughter very often (twice since 1993, to be exact), and in fact haven't seen anybody in my family since October last year, but that is due to "prison circumstances". After I was transferred to Trondheim prison, last month, I can take a visit every week actually. I have a good relationship to my family, although my daughter doesn't know me very well - obviously.

As for my "wife" I don't know what You are talking about. I have never been married to my daughter's mother not have I ever been married to anybody else. You could say I'm still waiting for that princess to come falling down from the sky and into my lap…

Question by Mark from Poland: What is Your great yearning while being in prison?

Nothing special. I am a rational human being and see no reason to yearn for things I cannot have. I adapt to the situation, and that's it really.

When do You exactly get out of the prison?

My best guess is August 2006, but I don't know for sure. They change the laws and rules all the time so nobody really knows.


A lot of people asked me to forward the following question to You: Why You terminated Burzum and is there any hope for its resurrection in the future?

There are many reasons for that. First of all I was very tired of listening to silly rumours about Burzum and figured the best way to shut people up was to tell people Burzum had ceased to exist and wait for everybody to forget about it. Secondly it was very difficult to continue when I was in prison. Sure, I was able to make two electronic albums, but I didn't think it was worth the trouble, so to speak. Any inspiration I had left was pretty much finished off by the many silly rumours regarding both Burzum and myself anyhow. Thirdly I didn't want to be associated with the new so-called "Black Metal" bands. They embarrassed me and I was very tired of having to explain people I met or talked to that I had nothing to do with these people, their image or anything they did. In fact I felt misused by the media and saw the whole growing "Black Metal" movement as a result of the media lies and their ludicrous presentation of, amongst others, me. Further I was rather puzzled by the fact that my electronic albums were placed in the "Black Metal" shelves in the record shops (or so I was told). It seemed that no matter what I did people would cling to the (erroneous) picture the media had made of me in 1993. So what was the point?

Finally I must say it was not very inspiring to see that tons of new bands emerged from nowhere and started to play the exact same music as I did. Why would I want to play this type of music, when tons of other bands did too? For all I know they even did it better than I ever did! So why would I bother anymore? Do we really need a million bands playing the same music? Isn't it enough with one Paradise Lost, one Das Ich, one Vangelis, one Dead Can Dance, or one Pink Floyd, one Iron Maiden and so forth? Why would we need a thousand clones?

I figured that if they want to rip off the early "Black Metal" bands that is fine by me. There are other things I can do, so I moved on.

If there is any hope for a resurrection in the future? In the case I release another album it will be something new altogether. If it sounds just like any other band I won't bother. For now I only have a few new songs, but I guess it is not unlikely that I will make more music in the future.

Question by Karlis from Ventspils, Latvia: If You are allowed to listen to music now, what kind of music do You usually listen to?

If I could listen to music now I would have listened to Das Ich ("Die Propheten"), Tchaikovskij (especially "The Nutcracker" and "The Swan Lake") and other classical music, Dead Can Dance ("Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun"), The Uppsala Jesters (that is; "Juculatores Uppsaliensis" or something like that), Goethes Erben, different house- and rave music, Jean Michelle Jarre, Vangelis, Kraftwerk, Russian folk music, old German and Soviet marches, some opera and possibly some metal music that I have an "emotional time" to - like Paradise Lost (some songs on "Lost Paradise" and their demo tape from 1989 or 1990) and Burzum.

In the recent years there has been a great raise of so called NSBM (National Socialistic Black Metal) bands which base their ideology and music upon NS, Nazi, Pagan/Heathen and Aryan ideas. What is Your opinion about them?

I don't know much about this, but what I do know is that at least these guys have the guts to be different and politically incorrect, unlike the spineless poser-bands in the "Black Metal" scene. At least NSBM has a point other than the brain-dead "sex, drugs & rock'n'roll" attitude in the rest of the metal scene.

There're a lot of rumors in the press about an album called "Sorg", which You have recorded in prison not long ago. Is it true or not?

These are the kind of rumours that made me just want to drop the whole Burzum project. I have never made an album called "Sorg".

Another great rumor is that guitars and drums for "Filosofem" were played and recorded by Fenriz and Nocturno Culto from Darkthrone. Can You confirm or deny this?

Well, who comes up with these rumours anyhow? Why on Earth would Fenriz and Nocturno Culto play the drums and guitars on the "Filosofem" album? The album was recorded in March 1993, in Bergen, and everything was played by me. I even carried all the instruments into the studio myself and recorded the album in solitude.

Talking about "Filosofem", once You mentioned that You had not heard the final version of this album. Haven't You managed to listen to it by now, just for the interest?

As far as I can remember I was very tired of answering questions about what I thought about this or that album, so one time I simply took the easy way out and answered that I hadn't heard the CD version, or something like that, so I couldn't answer his question (it looks like Varg meant by "him" a guy who aske the question - ed.). This was a stupid answer of course, as there is hardly any difference between the mastered version of the recording and the actual printed CD, but I just told him that because I was sick and tired of such questions, and I hoped he and others would see that and stop sending me such questions. I had the final, mastered album on tape in my cell, but not the CD, so obviously I could have answered his question properly if I wanted too. Apparently my stupid answers sometimes creates just as stupid rumours…

Question by Peter Vishnakov from St.-Petersburg, Russia: When You stopped playing metal-related music You explained that the reason was that metal music has its roots in negro music. That is why the last two Burzum albums were composed on synthesizer. But synthesizer was invented in St.-Petersburg, Russia by a Jew - Leo Termen in 1920. The first synthesizer was called "termenvox" (the voice of Termen). How would You comment this?

Comparing an instrument with a music culture is rather odd, I think. It is like comparing letters with languages. I can use Latin letters when I write Russian, and it will still be Russian, right? But if I write another language with Russian letters, it will not be Russian anyhow. See my point? "Eta nje harasjo pitch samnoga vodki!" (It is bad to drink so much vodka - ed.) or "Panjemaesh pa germanskamo?" (Do you understand German? - ed.) is still Russian, even if I use Latin letters! (Well, very poor Russian I guess, but You should be able to see my point). So if I use an instrument made by a Jew to play European music the music will still be European. Or for that sake: these answers are not American, even though I use an American invention - the PC - when I answer the question. Right?

I am able to see the link between classical music and some metal music, but my main objection was and is really that the culture following in the footsteps of metal music is "Negro". The "metal heads" tend to behave like a bunch of "White Niggers", so to speak, with their sex, drugs and rock'n'roll culture.


What do You do now? Have You written any new books/booklets or articles lately? Any publications in magazines? Do You still make researches in European and Aryan mythology and history?

Yeah, I still read books and try to broaden my horizon. I haven't written that many articles lately, actually the only one the last year is the one I sent You some weeks ago, regarding the "Lords Of Chaos". The last three years or so I have been very isolated, for different reasons, and has not been in a situation where I have been able to write that many articles, or done anything else sensible really. Yes, I have written some books, since 1998, but some of them are not worth publishing and others will be included in later works, after they have been translated into English. In theory the first book will be published early next year, and it will be in English by the way. You'll get to know more about that later.

You are not a member of AHF nowadays, are You? How did it happen that You had to leave AHF? What were the reasons to do this? Were You forced to do it or was it Your own decision?

The NHF was persecuted in Norway, by the Antifa/Monitor, who repeatedly wrote that the NHF was neo-Nazi and that leader was Varg Vikernes, and so forth. Even when the NHF told them that Varg Vikernes is not the leader of the NHF or the AHF they just kept on about it. Even the secret police claimed adamantly that I was the leader of the NHF when they interviewed one of the NHF guys (as he tried to get a license to own a 10mm H&K pistol of some sort). He told them I wasn't the leader, but they just ignored him and trusted their own sources instead.

After a while I figured out that it would be interesting to see what these people would do if I wasn't even a member of the NHF. Would they still claim I was the leader? It never mattered if I was a member or not, as I was in prison and incapable of participating in any of their expeditions to old hills forts, or the like, anyhow. For that reason I left the AHF/NHF, to see how the Antifa/Monitor morons and the secret police would do. In practice I have never been a member, so the NHF guys never noticed any difference (in fact I haven't even met half of them), and if I want to write articles for their magazine I can do that anyhow, whether I am a member or not.

The AHF/NHF never asked me to leave and there is no argument between us in any way. I simply left, for the above mentioned reasons.

Question by Helen from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia: What books are You reading now? How and where do You get them from?

Right now I am reading "Gjennom Lysmuren" (Through the Wall of Light) by Bente Müller, and "Historien om Europe" (The History of Europe) by Karsten Alnćs. I cannot recommend any of them to anybody. The book by Alnćs is - like his other books - very poor. His reflections are so politically correct (ignorant) and boring it is hard not to fall asleep. The other one I have just started on, but it doesn't look good either.

We can go to the library here once a week and ask the librarian to order books from any other library in Norway. Apart from that I sometimes get books from my kind mother, who is a member of a book club, or from friends.

Have You ever read The Book of Veles? What is Your opinion about it?

No I haven't, but I read a review by Sverd in a Norwegian magazine (KultOrg. Skandinavio [Ooops, I have forgotten how they spell that…]) and I would like to read it (this magazine is known as "KulturOrgan Skadinaujo"; see more info here: - ed.). The problem is that I haven't found the book yet in any library in Norway. For some weird reason I have problems finding books about Greek mythology lately too…

Question by Sventevith from Kosice, Slovakia: What do You think about Slavonic (Eastern European) nations and their (future) possible place in Europe?

The possible place of Easter European nations in Europe? Have the Eastern European nations ever not had a place in Europe? Or perhaps You are talking about the European Union? If You are talking about the EU I can tell that I am very negative to it, and would never advice anybody to join that thoroughly corrupt, extremely bureaucratic, predominately catholic and utterly chaotic union.

Well, in any case I am generally positive to the Eastern European nations, both the Slavonic nations as well as the Baltic ones, and I can add that I am far more positive to Eastern Europe than I am to Western and Southern Europe. There is more aboriginal European culture in Lithuania, for instance, than there is in all of Western and Southern Europe all put together.

As I'm from Russia I'm interested in Your opinion about Russians and our neighbors - Ukrainians and Byelorussians?

As far as I know Ukraine means something like "by the border", and of course Byelorussia means "white Russia", because there are more blonde people there than in the rest of Russia, so to me You are basically the same - just like Danes, Swedes and Norwegians are basically all the same. And this is supposed to be a compliment to all these nations, as I am very positive to Russian (and Scandinavian) culture and people. Russian women are beautiful, Russian music is beautiful and history tells us that Russians are tough, strong and proud people.

Question by Durbwakh from Russia: Do You agree with the fact that Russians are descendants of ancient Scandinavians - Varangians, as the word "Russia" occurs from the name of Ross/Russ tribes? Should this mean that German/Scandinavian and Russian pagan gods are one and the same, but have different names?

All the European pagan gods are the same, we just call them by different names, like Svarog, Uranos, Wotan and Óđinn (Ódhinn), or Perun, Zeus, Jupiter, Donar and Ţórr (Thórr), and so forth. There are slight differences from one part of Europe to the other, but basically the gods are all the same - and originally they were identical (just like our Info-European languages).

Sure, many Russians have Scandinavian blood, and vice versa. But I do not think the fact that many Scandinavians, mainly Swedes, settled in Russia/Ukraine/Byelorussia in the Viking age has anything to do with the fact that we have common pagan gods. It is very wrong to believe that the Russians didn't have a pagan religion and culture before the Scandinavians came to Your area. Like I said above all the aboriginal tribes in Europe had a common pagan religion, and just like our languages developed over time, so did our paganism.

Another question by Durbwakh from Russia: European nations were descended from Hyperboreans. How do You think who were Hyperboreans descended from?

Well, I wouldn't use the term "Hyperboreans", but I guess that is irrelevant. Obviously I cannot say for sure, but it seems the Hyperboreans, to stick to Your term, came from Atlantis to Europe, when Atlantis was covered with ice, some 80.000 years ago. The ruins of Atlantis most likely lie under the ice of Antarctica (thus it sank into "a sea" of ice), and a natural disaster forced the Hyperboreans to move to other parts of the world (it must be a misprint, because Hyperborea was in the Arctic - ed.). Some places they settled in uninhabited lands, and some places they settled in parts of the world that were inhabited by other races. Some tribes were assimilated by larger populations of other races (like in America, some 10.000-20.000 years ago), others perished, and the only tribe that survived "unpolluted" was the one that ended up in Europe. This tribe is the origin of all the European (that is "white") peoples - and this is of course the tribe I am talking about when I say we all had the same language and religion in the past.

According to the modern researches ancient Aryans came to India from the territory of The North Urals and brought their belief - later called Hinduism. Then they moved to the West and explored Europe and North Africa. Do You see straight connection between Hinduism, Buddhism and German/Scandinavian beliefs?

No, I don't, and I have to tell that the theory regarding the Indo-European "invasion" of Europe is highly dubious. The Aryans were people who came to the Indus valley, alright. They had a European origin and they brought their culture to the Indus valley. After a while they were assimilated by the larger population of natives, and then their high-culture collapsed. In other words the Aryan tribe disappeared due to race mixing. We still see that the highest caste (meaning "colour", by the way!) has some Aryan blood left, as sometimes there are still children born with blue eyes or blonde hair in this caste.

What You are talking about is a theory that there was a migration of Indo-Europeans, or "Aryans", into Europe some 4.000 years ago. They base this theory on the spread of bronze weapons, that is the spread of a certain type of bronze axes (battle axes). This might sound reasonable, but it is actually nonsense. There was no "invasion" into Europe by the Aryans. What we saw was a spread of the bronze technology, that was quickly adopted by all the European (the other "Aryan") people.

The theory of the "Battle Axe People" and their invasion into Europe some 4.000 years ago is actually very silly. We can compare what happened to the spread of feudalism in the Middle Ages, and obviously that was not an invasion of a new and different tribe either - but the spread of a new way to organize society. Nor does it mean that the spread of "Microsoft" all over the world is due to the fact that some American tribe conquered the Earth in the 80-ies and 90-ies, as could be implied by future archaeologists using the same logic trying to explain the worldwide spread of what happened when all the European tribes suddenly began to produce artifacts of bronze. Archaeology is a very inaccurate science and more than often their conclusions are extremely ignorant.

What is Your modern political worldview based upon?


Question by Tetsuro Yoshioka from Japan: What do You think about modern Muslim terrorism?

That's complicated. There are so many sides of that. On one side most people would agree with me when I say that "What goes around, comes around". You harvest what You sow, right? The terrorism the USA is exposed to today is nothing compared to the terror bombing they exposed Germany and Japan to during the last world war, and they targeted civilians just as much as the Muslim terrorists do. The only difference is that the USA was certainly more skilled and competent at mass murdering civilians that these "towel heads" can ever dream of becoming.

On the other hand, what on Earth do these Muslims think they are? Their very survival actually depends on the good-will of the so-called Western world. They should be happy the Western world doesn't decide to wipe them out entirely, and considering this possibility, provoking the USA with terror isn't a very good idea. It is not like they haven't wiped out people before (Native Americans, for instance). We already see people who argue that we should carpet bomb Mecca every time one of those Muslims fart in the wrong direction. We also see people who argue that we should just let Israel do whatever they want to "down there". Why should we care what happens to them when these Muslims threaten the lives of our children? The Arabs have no rights to that area anyhow: the Mesopotamian/Babylonian, Egyptian and Assyrian cultures weren't built by the Arabs. The Arabs came to these areas from the Saudi Peninsula in the VIIth century, that is hundreds of years after the last of the above mentioned Ancient cultures had ceased to exist in the first place. At least the Israelis have historical rights down there, even I can see that. Calling the Arabs "Palestinians" doesn't change that fact.

The problem with this terror is not the threat from terror, but how governments in the Western world react to it. They use it as an excuse to suppress their own citizens, with all kinds of surveillance and other security measures. They basically introduce a police state where the freedom of the citizens are dramatically reduced. What they should do, of course, would be to remove the threat of terror completely by throwing out all the Muslims. What on Earth are they doing here anyway?

Well, I can tell You what they are doing here: they practice their religion. Islam is an imperialistic religion and they know that the only way they can gain a world domination is by moving their followers to civilized, powerful and rich countries en masse. They breed like rats and if we let them stay it is just a matter of time before they become majority, and when that happens they don't need military power to gain control. Our weak and tolerant "democracy" makes sure of that. In Oslo 40% of all the children are such immigrants already!

In my paranoid mind it seems like somebody are letting these Muslims come and stay solely because they want to hold us hostage, so to speak. Would anybody fear Muslim terror if there were no Muslims in our own countries? Of course not! They are a threat solely because they live amongst us. Now who benefits from that? Israel certainly does, as more and more of us are inclined to let the Israelis do as they will "down there", because we are afraid of or grow tired of the Muslim scum (like always, I use very diplomatic terms…). Also, the rulers in the Western world benefit from this. They are able to secure their power, suppress their opposition and everybody who disagree with them, using the terror threat as an excuse to do it.

So, modern Muslim terrorism is a scam and we can and should solve this problem by throwing out all the Muslims from their countries - and give them a bullet in the back of their head if they should refuse to go voluntary (or if they don't get out fast enough). If we should decide to we can always just take whatever we want, like oil, from this scum anyhow - like Japan did in 1941 in Indonesia and the USA in Iraq recently. What are they going to do about it anyhow, throw rocks at us? They can fight back only if we let them. Read whatever You want to into that comment…

When that is done we should throw the Turks out of Europe too, and give the area back to the Greeks… (Is that what we call "warmongering"? if we didn't know any better somebody might think I was British…).

Question by Gert Pedersen & his friend from Esbjerg, Denmark: How do You see modern Scandinavian society? If You could what would You change?

The modern Scandinavian society? It is pretty messed up, that's for sure, but all the problems are mainly a result of the non-European immigrants. There is so much to say about this I wouldn't know where to start really. As for what I would change I can tell that I would like to see Denmark and Sweden leave the European Union. Ironically it seems the Danish and Swedish population has agreed with me in this context for quite a while, but they are still members. (So much for "democracy".) The three Scandinavian countries should simply become one, Scandinavia. Norway has oil and fish, Sweden has advanced technology, industry and science and Denmark has… well, pardon my ignorance, but what do You have?... In any case, a united Scandinavia would be a dream scenario.

There is much that needed to be changed if we wish our civilization to survive. First of all we would need to get rid of all the non-European immigrants. I have no intent to insult South Europeans, but take a look at what race mixing has done to them! If it hadn't been for race mixing (and Christianity) Greece for instance would still be producing brilliant philosophers and a beautiful culture. What is left of that today? You even have to look hard to find an operational toilet when you're down there. There is so much crime down there any normal Scandinavian would fall off his chair in amazement had somebody told him just how bad it is. And we all know what a "blessing" the Turkish heritage has left to the rest of the Balkans too. I wouldn't exactly call it the most harmonious area in the world. So first of all we would need a "European only" Scandinavia. European blood and European (i.e. pagan) religion. When that had been done we wouldn't have that many other problems to solve really… the rest would have come natural.

With that said I have to admit that compared to the rest of the world Scandinavia is a paradise, even today. Like Western Europe we have a good economy and like Eastern Europe we have a rich and strong European culture - and very nice girls…


Question by Zoltan Fekete from Hungary: Are You planning to write a book of memoirs about the past, the years in prison and the future?


I know You are much inspired by European and Slavonic folk music. Do You have any plans for composing such music and releasing it in the future? Or maybe have You already had a chance to compose some new material?

Well, I have made some new material, but it is not folk music. Nor do I plan to make folk music. I love that type of music, but somehow I don't see any reason to play such music myself. If I do something it has to be something special, something I cannot get from any other band, if You see what I mean? I don't think I have anything to contribute to folk music anyhow, and they do very well without me.

This actually touches the problem with Black Metal. If only all these guys playing in the bands had been satisfied by listening to Black Metal instead of having to form their own bands too. Why do everybody have to play themselves? Isn't listening to music enough? If you don't make something that is different from the rest there is no point in making music… or so I think.

What are Your plans for the nearest future?

Apart from the computer programming, translating books and things like that I plan to buy a small farm somewhere in Norway and live there when I get out - in two years time, I guess. By doing that I will have a place where I can write books, make music if I like, enjoy nature, get some peace and quiet and so forth. I like manual labour, so maintaining buildings and stuff like that is really my cup of tea. Live a health life, basically. Nothing special I guess.

If anybody would like to ask you about anything personally, how can he/she get in touch with you?

Well, if anybody would want to ask me about something personal he/she could write me a letter. The address is:

Varg Vikernes
Trondheim Fengsel
Nermarka 2, N-7047
Trondheim, Norway

I only reply to serious letters though, and if they start with some "Hail Satan" comment or anything like that, they just end up in the trash bin right away, before I even read them. And I guess that if anybody have any questions they could ask You to send them to me, but that would be up to You. What do You mean by "personal" questions anyway?... I thought some of these questions were kind of personal… (it looks like Varg misunderstood me here: I didn't mean questions about his personality, but questions that somebody would like to ask himself/herself - ed.)

Varg Vikernes
Trondheim, Norway
12th August 2004
- 13:07 - Komentari (16) - Isprintaj - #

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Kratko o meni:
Imam 13 god,živim u Zagrebu-Črnomerec idem u Oš Ivana Cankara -6.b,razredVolim:thrash,black metal,fantastiku (tolkiena,williamsa...),
igrat nogomet,volim Norvešku,Warcraft uglavnom to...

Ne volim:laž,forsere,umišljate i bahate ljude,
(ponekad školu),razmaženu djecu i štrebere.

Javit me se možete

Blogove koje citam-svi su legende i postujem ih:
Nisgaroth-covjek zbog kojeg danas slusam blek SLAVA CARE!
Legenda lik,prelijepo pise-care Slava!
Trrn-The Pagan Warrior-Car lik bleker s ribnjaka care Slava!
Moonsorrow-E ova vam je zena legenda zasluzuje postovanje carice Slava!
Shagrathica-Zena isto legenda i carica blog joj je odlican kao i ona sama Slava!
Tony-Ma moj istomišljenjik napokon netko mojih godina a da slusa blek ma care Slava!

Najdraže starnice:

Meni 5 najboljih black metal albuma:
Graveland-Thousand Swords
Bathory-Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
Mayhem-De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

MoonBlood-Blut & Krieg

Najdraži bend mi je BATHORY-SLAVA QUORTHONU!!!

Moja playlista
Abyssic Hate
Carpathian Forest
Cirith Gorgor
Det Hedenske Folk
Gontyna kry
Judas Iscariot
May Result
Noktural Mortum
Satanic Warmaster
Sin Origin
The Stone
Vlad Tepes

I jos mnogo toga... - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture P</div>

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	<h4> Burzum</h4>
	<div class=

Beholding The Daughters Of The Firmament (Erblicket die Töchter des Firmaments)

I wonder how winter will be
with a spring that I shall never see
I wonder how night will be
with a day that I shall never see
I wonder how life will be
with a light I shall never see
I wonder how life will be
with a pain that lasts eternally

In every night there's a different black
in every night I wish that I was back
to the time when I rode
through the forests of old

In every winter there's a different cold
in every winter I feel so old
so very old as the night
so very old as the dreadful cold

I wonder how life will be
with a death that I shall never see
I wonder why life must be
a life that lasts eternally
I wonder how life will be
with a death that I shall never see
I wonder why life must be
a life that lasts eternally - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

6. The Day Burzum Killed Mayhem
a year of misery?
Darkness fills the sky.
I hear the warriors cry.
The legend tells a story
From a Viking from the north,
Who met a Death Warrior
Black Metal was never really the same.
The legend call it murder
And the Viking had survived.
But the eyes of the Death Warrior
Never saw again the sun upon the sky.
And the quintessence:
Everyone recognized war,
That Black Metal isn't just
Entertainment anymore.
I can still remember
My emotions so confused.
My soul was seeking answers.
No knife I let unused.
So many questions
I had to satisfy.
My soul was under torture,
But I knew my way was right
I see a cemetery fall asleep under fog
And I know the old days will never come
1993, this year of misery was the knife
which split the Black Metal scene apart.
Since that mighty day Black metal split his Way,
And the unity was never the same again.
Lies, rumors and hate. Moneymaking, sadness
And shame
And all this by, the Day as Burzum Killed Mayhem.
Remember this day! Remember this way!
That you never betray, what here leads you
On your way!
And I never will forget
The day as this both warriors met.
The blood was hot the moon was red
And Black Metal created his own grave.
And I dream from days before
Black Metal Maniacs, no whore,
In the legions of war
The demons in our heads the law.
So I summon you once again,
We should never forget the pain
From older days in our veins
We now cut of that it can flow like rain.
Arrghh, this was the legend from
The Day as Burzum killed Mayhem. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service


Transilvanian Hunger

Transilvanian Hunger...cold..soul
Your hands are haunt

the mountains are cold...soul...soul...
careful..pale...forever at Night

Take me...can't you feel the Call
Embrace Me Eternally in your daylight slumber

To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace
ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger

Hail to the True, intense vampires
A story made for Divine fulfillment

To be the ones breathing a Wind of Sorrow
Sorrow and fright the dearest catharsis

Beautiful Evil Self to be the Morbid Count
A part of a Pact that is delightfully immortal

Feel the call freeze you with the uppermost desire
Transilvanian mountain is cold

So Pure... Evil, Cold
Transilvanian Hunger - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service


Mother north - how can they sleep while their beds are burning?
Mother north - your fields are bleeding

Memories... The invisible wounds
Pictures that enshrine your throne (gone?)

A Future benighted still they are blind
Pigeonhearted beings of flesh and blood
Keeps closing their eyes for the dangers that threat... ourselves and our nature
And that is why
They all enrage me

Sometimes in the dead of the night I mesmerize my soul
Sights and visions prophecies and horror
They all come in one

Mother north - united we stand (together we walk)
Phantom north - I'll be there when you hunt them down - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

Now that the wind called my name
And my star had faded now hardly a glimpse up in the empty space
And the wise one-eyed great father in the sky stilled my flame

For the ones who stood me near
And you few who were me dear
I ask of thee to have no doubts and no fears

For when the great clouds fills the air
And the thunder roars from o, so far away up in the sky
Then for sure you will know that I have reached the joyous hall up high

With my bloodbrothers at side
All sons of father with one eye
We were all born in the land of the blood on ice

And now you all who might hear my song
Brought to you by the northern wind have no fear
Though the night may seem so everlasting and forever dark

There will come a golden dawn
At ends of nights for all yee on whom
Upon the northstar always shines

The vast gates to hall up high
Shall stand open wide and welcome you with all its within
And Oden shall hail us bearers of a pounding hammerheart - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

Graveland-Thousand Swords
We attacked with thousand swords
Our banners were streaming under clouds
At the gates of christian capital
the wide river of blood was flowing
we attacked with hate in our eyes

Their request for mercy was nothing for us,
they had no respect for our ancestors
today is not a day for mercy.
We attacked and golden palaces collapsed.
Christ's elected ones paradise was burning
their golden bells were tolling the last hour
the last hour of christian rulers in pagan europe
We are just blessed soldiers
from the depths of unbaptized forests
barbarian in the wolfish skins
And we had pleasure to burn the vatican!
Gods returned and now they are with us
Spirit of war possessed our souls
Our swords want to fight with our moves
Its a great feeling to spill the blood in the basilica
Hers of ravens fly between the clouds
They'll come to the earth, when we go away
They'll eat food we prepared
They'll drink blood we have spilled
Epilogue : the vengeance will be cruel
blessed by gods and spirits
In self defence of fatherland
Vengeance done by our hands
bringing cruel death for enemies. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

Emperor-I Am The Black Wizards
Mightiest am I,
but I am not alone in this cosmos of mine.
For the black hills consists of black souls,
souls that already dies one thousand deaths.
Behind the stone walls (of centuries) they breed their black art.
Boiling their spells in cauldrons of black gold.

Far up in the mountains,
where the rain fall not far,
yet the Sun cannot reach.
The wizards, my servants,

summon the souls of macrocosm.
No age will escape my wrath.
I travel through time and I return to the future.
I gather wisdom now lost.
I visit again the eternally ancient caves,
before a mighty Emperor thereupon came.
Watching the mortals "discovering" my chronicles, guarded
by the old demons, even unknown to me.

Once destroyed their souls are being summoned
to my timeless prison of hate.
It is delightful to feast upon the screaming souls
that were destroyed in my future.

How many wizards that serve me with evil, I know not.
My empires has no limits.

From the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes.
I am the ruler and has been for eternities long.
I am them.

(I am them.)
(I am them.)

From the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes.
I am the ruler and has been for eternities long.
My wizards are many, but their essence is mine.
Forever they are in the hills in their stone homes of grief.
Because I am the spirit of their existence.
I am them.

I am them.
I am them. - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service

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